Saturday, December 6, 2014

The DruidCraft Tarot - The Hermit, Strength, Nine of Wands

Card 1: The Hermit - IX

The keywords to remember here are Guidance, Retreat, Caution, Withdrawal and Meditation. 

~ The Message of the Hermit is ~
Turn away from the distractions of the outer world, and seek guidance. In silence and solitude discover new depths, and refresh your soul at the source of all life.

The Significance of The Hermit:
At a certain stage in our lives, and in our spiritual journey, it becomes important to withdraw from the distractions f the outer world to focus on the inner quest. Every night as we fall asleep, we journey to the Otherworld, and when our physical body dies, we make that journey also. But it is important for us to turn within at other times too - hence the value of meditation, and of spiritual retreats. 

An Inner Call:
 You may be feeling the call to begin meditating or to take a retreat, as if some inner need is trying to make itself heard. Sometimes that same need manifests as the desire to find a spiritual teacher or to receive guidance. This card may indicate a teacher, counselor or wise person, or it may be referring to an inner guide. Druidry and Wicca teach that in the Otherworld inner guides exist who can help us on our spiritual journey, and who can offer us support, and even specific teachings. To be effective, we must be able to retreat from the world of the senses from time to time, to connect to the source of life that lies beyond the phenomenal world. 
Do not be tempted to make important decisions, for now is a time to withdraw from the distractions and dramas of your everyday life. Don't worry about abandoning these decisions for a while - there will always be distractions, and probably every so often dramas, if you ever wish to turn to them again. Instead, let them take care of themselves as you follow your intuition to go deeper. The guidance you receive may well help you to find ways to resolve your problems and move forward that would never have occurred to your rational mind, caught up in worry and details. Trust in the light of The Hermit and, even if the path ahead seems dark and lonely, know that your inner guide and their animal-spirit companion are close by, to counsel and protect you. 

Card 2: Strength - VIII

The keywords to remember here are Unconditional Love, Courage, Faith, Power with Awareness, 
'Wild' Wisdom, and Compassion.

~ The Message of the Strength Card is ~
You will find the Wild Wisdom that sings in the depths of your soul. Nwyfre will flow more strongly through you as you open to the compassionate strength of the Goddess within.

The Significance of Strength:
A central idea in Druidry and Wicca alike is that we need both the wild, natural self that exists inside us, and the civilized, or cultured, self that is the result of our education and upbringing. Here, in this card, we see their union: the boar represents the wild, animal side of our nature, while the woman represents our more sophisticated, cultural self. By uniting these two parts of ourselves, we become empowered in a way that connects us more deeply with our humanity - and at the same time with our own divinity. 

The Meeting of the Wild and Civilized Selves:
Drawing this card in a reading may indicate a generous and wise person in your life, or it may signify that you are entering into a deeper relationship with the forces of life and of Nature. Some spiritual and religious teachings tell us to shun these forces, but DruidCraft celebrates them, showing us how we can open our bodies and hearts to the energies that flow through the cosmos, which can heal, empower and enliven us. 
These energies are collectively referred to as Nwyfre, and a central feature of practicing DruidCraft lies in discovering how to pen to Nwyfre and how to use it for magick - to improve our own lives and to help others. To do this, we need to open to the refining and deepening powers of the Divine Feminine. This means learning to trust in life, learning to have compassion towards others and ourselves, and it means centering our lives in love. By doing this, the deeper mysteries open to us. Instead of our lives being ruled by our instincts, lusts or passion, they are ruled by compassionate love, and these powers are then integrated with our humanity and our awareness. The result is a sense of mature strength that brings with  it a faith in the ultimate goodness of life. 
Strength teaches us that we can develop mature strength of soul and character not by avoiding conflict, but by handling it with compassionate awareness, trust and love. By doing this, we develop an ability to relate in a way that honors the natural flow of passion  and life-force. 

Card 3: Nice of Wands

The keywords to remember here are Final Challenge and Caution.

You may be going through a period when you have emerged from a struggle, but are defensively or guardedly waiting for the next problem or conflict you believe will appear. You are worried that just when the struggle seems to finally be over, something worse will come along. If you have this feeling it may be justified, and you may need to remain cautious. It is likely, however, that the final battle will be an internal one,  in which you come to grips with the sources of fear and conflict that ultimately spring not from outside but from within. You may have battled your way through life, a characteristic of the Wands, and your sense of being wounded in the past may have made you isolate yourself as a means of defense. The challenge now is to open to wholeness and healing. 

The card could also be offering a different message - that you have accomplished something, but that you are finding it hard to fully accept your achievements, your strengths and talents. It can also indicate recovery from an illness, and this will be enhanced as you come to open completely to the reserves of healing energy that are waiting to flow into you.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

30 Ways To Honour Your Goddess Connection This Full Moon - ReBlog

This post is being re-blogged from: Words to Guide You Home - Amy Palko
Please go to her page and follow for more great articles!

The Full Moon is coming! December 6th

(the following article, word for word, is the re-blogged post) 

When the moon reaches its fullest, we often feel the pull of the sacred feminine. There’s something activated within us, and our goddess connection calls for recognition. There are so many ways that you can honour this inner divinity – this call to embody spirit. Here are a few of my favourites…
1. Turn your face to the moon, and allow your face to be kissed by its light.
2. Dance to the beat of your heart as it pulses its refrain “I’m alive I’m alive I’m alive”.
4. Create a Pinterest board as an altar of your devotion to the sacred calling of your bliss.
5. Watch the flickering flame of a candle and feel the divine spark within you kindle in response.
6. Let yourself be held in the arms of those you love receiving their love for you.
7. Ask your body what it needs to feel nourished and then giving yourself that – generously and without shame.
8. Spend some time shuffling and dealing oracle or tarot cards, seeking the wisdom that exists within.
9. Curling up on the sofa and slip into sleep.
10. Commune with the archetypes of constellations and planet through your astrological chart.
11. Unravel the year ahead. And the year we are leaving behind.
12. Read poetry. Let it unfurl from the page in your heart and in your mind. Let your mouth shape the sounds, and give voice to the language that connects soul to soul.
13. Drop into the gift of your flesh through sacred touch.
15. Stand where the edges of the world feel more present to you – the thin places that invite you to reach out and touch the wing of an angel.
16. Allow laughter to moves its way throughout your whole being – feel it bubble up from your belly, warming your chest, opening your throat, leaving you and merging with the world in an explosion of giggles and gufaws, chuckles and cackles.
17. Anoint your pulse points with the scents that stir your blood.
18. Be bathed in music – play it loud and feel your cells respond, rising up to meet the complexity of the melody, the pleasure of the harmony, the invitation of the bass, the urging of the rhythm.
19. Join a circle of kindred spirits. Step forward with your sisters by your side.
20. Give in to luxury. And remind yourself that luxury is not something you deserve, but is as natural and as essential to your wellbeing as the breath in your lungs, the blood in your veins, the clothes on your back.
21. Find your stillpoint and come home to it. Often.
22. Engage in altaring. Collate pieces of yourself – crystals, cards, shells, feathers, photos, poems, candles, plants, love letters, bones, incense…
23. Attend to the light. And to the dark. Honour both in whichever way feels best.
24. Connect to the resonance of words. Goddess-given.
25. Eat chocolate and relish every mouthful. Hold it on your tongue and let it melt. Taste the sweetness. Feel the edge of your desire and the place in your body that sings out in pleasure when that desire is met.
26. Let go and let goddess. Surrender. Give in to the gravity of your body, of the earth. And feel yourself held by the physical container of you.
27. Take a selfie. Hold up your camera and look into the lens. Hold your own gaze as it’s reflected back to you. And take the shot.
28. Restore through yoga. Gentle poses. Restful stretches. Or maybe just savasana.
29. Set intentions in the face of challenges – plant your wishes in the fertile material of your heart, and then trust that everything will unfold in alignment.
30. Feel the whole catastrophe and know that you’re ok. You’re ok. You’re ok.
How are you connecting to the goddess today? Please do share in the comments your experience and your ideas to explore the sacred feminine in each of us….

Friday, November 21, 2014

Remaining Aware & Spiritually Attuned + How to Protect Yourself from Unwanted Energies

Modern life is so busy. It seems that finding any kind of balance between the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual parts of our being has become a sort of art-form and dance, as we juggle and stumble through our daily obligations, taking care of necessities, running errands, parenting, doing chores, and somehow trying to remember, that through it all, we are still spiritual beings working for a much broader purpose.

When we feel we are not in balance, even if just in one aspect, it can leave us feeling inadequate in many ways... drained, depressed, uneasy and anxious...

How are we to remain aware and spiritually attuned?

I have mentioned it before to friends of mine who have asked this very question. 

My answer is simple. 

Although I do not support religion in general, it has come to my understanding, through the growth of my own spiritual path, that in order for me to find the most balance in my life, I must practice my path "religiously" (or, with discipline).

 Discipline with my practice; Patience with myself

Discipline is my simple answer. 
Patience is my second answer when you ask how to remain disciplined. 
Like I said, it is a dance! 

Life has not always been this balanced in all areas of my life....
It has taken a lot of time to get where I am today, living the lifestyle I longed to live for so long. 
Here are some ways I 'keep the magic alive' in my day-to-day.
I hope it can help inspire you at the very least!

 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

My mornings usually begin with a kiss goodbye from my husband as he leans over our sleeping toddler who lies between us all night, before he leaves to go to work. It truly is a beautiful moment, and I try not to take it for granted. 

This is Magick.

I stretch, clumsily find my robe and warm, fuzzy footies and find my way to the coffee pot. (I strictly believe that brain cells do not officially fire off and begin functionally properly until that first sip of coffee).

As I turn to leave the kitchen, there sits my living room altar. It has not always been there....

But one day, I slowly accumulated a bunch of candles atop one piece of wooden furniture that, up to that point, had been used as a catch-all for the household. 

My crystals soon needed more space to be out in the open, so some were also placed there.

Soon, my tarot cards found a home there as well, as running up to my bedroom altar to grab them while my baby took naps in the same room, became too much of a risk of waking him, as it began happening more often when friends started coming by for more readings. 

So then came an altar cloth, as I always lay my cards out on a cloth.

That was sort of the birth of my living room altar, which is now adorned with a conch shell, other shells and stones, crystals and more of my sacred, "witchy" items. 

Now that I have one, it has become the center of my spiritual growth.

It is always in front of me, and so my spiritual path is always at the forefront of my brain and my thoughts. 

This, I have found essential to my discipline.

Here is what it looks like, although this particular picture is missing several of my witchy items, as they were in use elsewhere at the time, or were being stored away from curious little toddler hands.
(our little boy loves to throw objects around the house that should never be

An "altar" is a space that is kept sacred, for the purpose of giving focus to one's spiritual practice, usually adorned with items of meaning for magickal purpose and focus.
 Such as, items relevant to the elements of earth, gods & goddesses, as well as colors, candles, incenses & herbs that align with particular magickal energies needed for a particular time of the Wheel of the Year, for a  specific rite or spell being peformed, or for general purpose for opening the spiritual awareness of the practitioner during prayer, meditation, or deep thought. 
An altar can either be elaborate or simple. There is no wrong way to build your altar, although there are several examples of them all over the internet and detailed descriptions of layouts that can be found as well, that can help inspire you and get you started. Soon, I will blog on how to create your altar, as well as how to bless it and keep it sacred; just wanted to give a general description here for better understanding. 

After sipping coffee, I place a pillow down on the floor to kneel on, light some candles, light my incense and swirl it around my altar & myself (usually patchouli or sandalwood; just a personal choice), handle my crystals.. hold them against the glow of my candles and take a brief moment to admire their beauty. I touch the soil in my potted plant, sprinkle the dust left on my hands over my candles, fold my hands, close my eyes, and relish the silence. The children are still asleep, and the only sounds I hear are the sound of my own breath and the beat of my own heart. 

This is Magick. 

It's amazing how, when the world around you is still dark and dormant, the sounds of your very existence are more prevalent, and you can truly find feelings of love and gratitude coming to life inside of you, just by simply recognizing the moment, and knowing the true immensity of your being. It is said that, during the darkness of the night and early morning hours, we are closest to the spiritual world; the worlds are more closely aligned and open to one another, as the wavelengths of life and activity are essentially much slower than the busy energies of daytime. 

While sitting, I intentionally visualize a steam of white light from my root chakra (the base of my spine), reaching down into the earth... Through the floor, and through the ground beneath my home. And from the earth, I ask that her divine, powerful energy to be sent through me, via the white light, up through my spine, and branching out into my entire building until my entire body is full of this powerful, protective energy. The light expands, and forms a protective, white globe three feet above my head, and three feet below my body, encompassing my entire being in a protective barrier. 

This is Magick. 

My eyes open and I usually look up to see myself in my antique mirror hanging above my altar. I remember how I looked before... just waking up, stumbling with my pillow, eyes barely open or lively, rolling my eyes at myself as I dropped the matches or lighter for the second or third time... You know the look. 
But after my simple moment of reverence... After lighting each candle carefully and thoughtfully, waiving my fingers through their flames; after swirling the incense all around me and in the air and admiring the smoke as it dances before setting it down; after feeling my crystals, my water from my chalice, the soil from my plant between my fingers, and grounding myself to the earth as I closed my eyes in meditation... 

~My face is lifted, my eyes are sparkling with life, my core feels balanced and my aura is all but glowing~

This is Magick.

As a Witch, but also as a "sensitive" to the energies around me in general, I find it necessary and helpful to build up a healthy field of protective energy within my own energy field on a daily basis. 
This is something that has been practiced by shamans, witches, spiritual workers, etc. for centuries.
Another great way to build a protective energy around you is to bathe with
Rune Engraved Magickal Soaps
 that are created with magickal intent.
You can make some yourself (that's for another post).
Or, you can buy them.
We make some that you can find by visiting my
My shop is still just a baby, so bare with me and its growth. :)

At this time, after smiling at myself for what I know I have just accomplished,  I either draw some tarot cards (as many as I feel the need for), or I simply stand, bow in Namaste and continue on to the kitchen to turn on some smooth-morning jazz, while I dance around and begin making breakfast and lunches for my little living creations that will wake soon. 

This is Magick. 

My moment has be had; I feel spiritually/elementally attuned, emotionally and physically balanced, and mentally strong & confident to start my day, and all I had to do to achieve all of this was to make myself have enough discipline to get up just a little earlier so that this could all be possible. And, if I'm lucky, I will have another, or a few more chances throughout the day to return to my very-conveniently-placed-altar, and enjoy more moments similar to how I started my day.


I'm never perfect at following such a routine. Some mornings, there is no way I can pull this off. So this is where PATIENCE comes in. 

Know you are not perfect, and also know that life, the very simple essence of living, is magick all in itself. 

My advice is to try something similar to this routine at least a few times a week, until.. before you know it, you will not be able to start your day (or even function properly) without finding your balance first thing in the morning. This is what has worked for me. 

But what about the days that this advice simply is not possible or realistic??

For me, this is how it goes.... 

Some days I sleep too long. We stayed up watching "Atlantis", or "The 100"... or some other show we watch religiously each night on Netflix, and my body simply will not move when my alarm goes off.
When I finally jump up and realize the sun has already risen, I rush down (did I forget my robe and footies?? I'm SO cold!!!), and immediately find our cat snuggled next to the heater. She looks so warm and cozy.... So I stand there for a moment with my feet tucked under her oh-so-warm body and she begins to purr and stretch. 
I smile.
She's just this little living being, breathing and purring and is so happy to see me.
We got her when my husband and I first got together.
Oh how I love this little creature.

This is Magick.

After only about 45 seconds of having a moment with my cat, I quickly realize just how hungry I am.
So I make lunches & breakfast for everyone, and just end up eating the scraps, like the crust from the sandwiches, peels of apples.... You know.
Oh man how I wish I got up early enough to nourish myself first. And have I even had coffee yet??

But then I hear this softest, most sweetest sound on the baby monitor. It is our baby boy.. He has rolled over, face against the monitor and his every breath is like the whisper of angels to my ears. 
I smile.
He is so sweet and loving. He is my everything.
How lucky we are to have him....

This is Magick. 

Halfway through and not anywhere near finished with my current task, my baby boy whimpers in the  monitor, babbling as he does when he first awakes, and his older sister is fumbling around the bathroom, and is saying something... but it is all just mumbles in the monitor.
When I get up the stairs, 
I find them both in my bed, and she is comforting her baby brother as he wakes.... 
I smile. 

This is Magick.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The moments in which we can find beauty in the mundane or daily routines of our lives, are all Magick.

My hopes is to encourage the thought that, 
if we try hard, every day (religiously) to not take one moment for granted, it is in these small and fleeting moments that we can find the broader purpose, and the real reasons we do all the things that we do.

So I didn't thank the Gods and Goddesses, or great spirits while in deep meditation in front of my altar every day this week... That does not make me any less aware, or attuned.
I was still sure to relish the Magick of each moment as often as possible.

The rest of the day follows.... 

 I notice the birds landing in our garden as I shuffle the kids out of the door to go to school, 
The ducks that waddle along the road on the way to the store,
The ravens that like to perch on the tops of the light poles in the parking lots,
The sudden pick up of the wind and swirl of the leaves as I pass the lake,
The giggle of my children on any given day,
and all the moments that make me smile.

These are moments filled with Magick.
We just have to be the ones to recognize it.
Once you do, and with discipline & patience with yourself,

~*~ You, too, can know balance ~*~

Do you have any techniques that work for you?
I would love to read about them!

With Love, 
MoonsWay )O(

Friday, November 14, 2014

How to Make a Potion + A Potion Recipe to Banish Stress & Unnecessary Negativity

Holistic Medicine can be dangerous
if not researched fully before use. 
Please use our recipe’s, suggestions, and guidance carefully.  Some herbs may be harmful to pregnant women, women who are nursing, or those with certain types of medical conditions. 
Holistic and alternative medicine should be researched fully, and/or one should consult with their physician or naturopath before ingesting any herbal recipes.

To begin, Let's take a look at the Methods of Concoctions of Witchcraft, in general:

Potions: Spells in liquid form
Elixirs:  Sweet flavored liquid to cure ills & ailments
Infusion: Herbs steeped like tea, but not consumable
Tinctures: Scented liquids , Ethyl-alcohol based &  infused with dry plant materials
Salve / Balm: Healing paste/ointment laced or infused with herbs & oils
Essential Oils: Magical oils derived from plants
Poultice: A soft, moist, medicated mass that is heated and medicated by use of herbs to relieve aches, pains & inflammation
Smudge Stick:  A bundle of dried herbs, bound with string or twine, that is burned and then blown out; the smoke is used for emotional, psychic, and spiritual purification
Incense: An aromatic gum of resin that produces a sweet, and usually earthy odor when burned; used to enhance a mood, psychic awareness, to cleanse, for focus in rites, to bless & consecrate, etc.

We will eventually have a post to refer to each of these methods, but for now, we will focus on 
How to Make a Potion~

Making potions is one of the oldest crafts known to mankind, from making elixirs, beers and wines, to making teas and concoctions with the intent for a specific purpose or outcome infused into them during the making process. 

Throughout the ages, from the earliest of civilizations, shamans, witches and healers were called upon to aid in sickness, attract abundance, or to protect from harm or negative threats and energies. 

Today, we can utilize this way of the old to manifest, protect and help us in our times of need.

First, there are things you should know to lessen any intimidation: 

- Potions can be simple or  complex. Do what works for you. No need to over-complicate.

- Making a potion is as simple as making tea, but with magickal elements added to direct your purpose.

- Dried or Fresh Herbs can be used; you will need 3x the amount of fresh herbs than dried though.
(if a recipe calls for 1 tablespoon dried herb, you will need to make it 3 tablespoons if you use fresh herbs)

- Common herbs like Lavender, Rosemary and Mint have multiple magickal properties and can be used for many purposes. And those are only to name a few.

- Potions should taste good. The days of Eye of Newt and Toe of Frog are long behind us. Make your concoction taste-bud worthy.

- Prepare in advance. When you think of a need to cast any spell, or make a potion, set your sights on a particular day and time in the near future, and slowly & intentionally gather your necessary tools and materials. Put love and care into your craft, and you will get the most amazing results.


Now, we must be sure we have the proper tools in order. The following are useful tools to keep on hand, and should only be used for magickal creation purposes. Meaning, they should be kept sacred, for their usefulness in your workings will be greater and more in-tuned with the energy needed for your tasks.

Tools for Potion Making: 
 - A clay, ceramic, earthenware, stone, or wooden bowl (just be sure it is of natural materials; more than one may be helpful)
- A pot or cauldron. (a cauldron is best)
- Wooden utensils for stirring your cauldron. (even our utensils should be of natural material; always stir clockwise)
- Cheesecloth and/or a fine sieve for straining herbs, spices, roots, barks, etc.
- A mortar and pestle for grinding.
- Sterile glass containers or bottles with lids or corks.
- A funnel is useful.
- Pure Vodka for added preservative, when necessary.
- Spring, Well or Rain Water are best. Moon-charged Water is even better. (how to make Moon Water is for another post!)
- Corresponding Candles, if you so wish, to strengthen your focus and intent.
- Matches for your candle.
- Dried or Fresh Herbs
- Honey and Lemon to sweeten and add more flavor, if you would like.
- A prepared verse/incantation to charge your potion with your intent while making it; usually 3 to 4 lines long.


The most common practice of potion making is to make a tea, an infusion of herbs or ground spices, root, barks, etc. by heating the ingredients in water, bringing to a boil, and then empowering the ingredients with our intent.

When making your infusion, it is important to be sure you have a secure fitting lid for your pot or cauldron. The lid is necessary in keeping the important, natural oils from evaporating as they heat up and start disappearing from our potion!

The types of dried herbs and such that you need depend on the type of potion you wish to create.

{ Eventually, I will add a page of the Magickal Correspondences for herbs, but for now you can find some here. }

There are also various magickal correspondences for certain days and moon phases to cast any spell or potion, and you can find them all over the internet, but here is a basic rule of thumb:

Magickal Correspondences for Moon Phases: 

Waning Moon (decreasing in size from Full Moon) = to push things away from you. 
This is the time for spells that banish, release or reverse. This is the time to break bad habits, and to end relationships that no longer serve you. A time for deep intuition and divination. 
The Waning Moon period lasts about 14 days. 

Waxing Moon (increasing in size from New/Dark Moon) = to bring things to you.
This is a time for spells that attract. A time for spells of good luck, new beginnings, spells for love, spells for growth, and for positive changes in your life. A time to conceptualize new ideas, business decisions; a time to invoke.
The Waxing Moon period lasts for about 14 days.

Full Moon (fully visible in the sky) = to strengthen your power.
This is a time for spells that transform, spells to strengthen your power, a time to refuel & for major workings to occur. A time to increase psychic ability; spells for love, fertility and awareness.
The period for the Full Moon lasts about 3 days prior and after the full moon. 

New/Dark Moon (in between the Earth & Sun, completely hidden) = to bring new beginnings
This is the time for spells of new beginnings, new undertakings, new ways of living, new business decisions. A time to be reborn.

You may wish to light a candles or a few candles based on your intent. Here are some magickal correspondences for colors, that can be used for candles, altar cloths, among other things in your craft. 

White - Protection, Peace, Purity, Truth
Green - Healing, Money, Prosperity, Luck, Fertility
Brown - Physical objects, Healing for Animals, Houses & Homes
Pink - Emotional Love, Friendships
Red - Sexual Love, Passion, Energy, Enthusiasm, Courage
Yellow - Clairvoyance, Divination, Studying, Learning, The Mind
Purple - Power, Healing Deadly Diseases or Sicknesses
Blue - Healing, Meditation, Tranquility
Orange - Strength, Authority, Attraction, Luck
Black - Absorption of Negativity, Destruction of Negativity


Now, let's make a potion together, shall we? 

There are countless recipes out there in books and on the internet (and I encourage you to seek them out!), but let's make a recipe of our own.

Right now, on this very day, the moon moves into Waning, when it is moving away from Full, and going into the New or Dark Moon. So, as we have learned, this is the time for moving things away from us. 

So let's make a potion to... 

Banish Stress and Unnecessary Negativity

Gather Ingredients & Tools {see list of tools above}

 We will need some herbs for purification, and I will choose: 

Lavender, Rosemary and Basil
(all common household herbs)

Also, some herbs of healing may be beneficial. 
(Use your intuition with your selections. Healing and Purifying just seem to fit well for our need with this potion.) 

I will choose: 
Lavender and Rosemary are also healing, so we have double the strength with those herbs. There are many, many more options I could add, but remember we want our potion to taste good, or at the very least, not taste horrible. ;)

The amount of each herb used is entirely up to you.
However, I like the power of 3. It seems to work with me well in my craft and in life in general. So I will use 3 tablespoons each, which is going to make for a strong potion!

I LOVE to use candles. So I will light an unused white candle for PEACE while I create my potion.

You could go as far as carving runes in your candle for comfort, peace and healing, but for now we will keep it simple.

Cast a Sacred Circle around your work area.

Very simple... you can either use the power of mind and create a circle of white light around your work area, you can use salt (but that gets messy) or you can do so with incense. 
So if you are working in the kitchen, cast your circle around the entire kitchen.
The different ways to cast a circle will one day be another post, but for now we will leave it at this.

Call upon the Elemental Powers to enter and bless your circle.

Something like, 
"I ask the power of the elements, Earth, Air, Fire, Water, to enter my circle, and to bless my work."

Call upon the Great Spirits, your Divine Guardians to enter your circle and bless your work.

Something like,
"I call upon the Great Spirits and all that is Divine to enter my circle and bless my work with their powerful energy."

Assemble your tools for Use

Put pot on the burner.
Fill the pot with 3 cups of water.
Add your herbs.
Add in honey and lemon juice to taste.
For this, I will add 3 tablespoons each.
Light your candle.
Take a moment to center yourself spiritually, in any way that serves you.

Empower your Ingredients and Tools

Talk to them.
Handle them.
As you place them in the pot of water, put your emotions into them.
Truly feel the moment and let your guards down.
You are safe here.
Cry if you need to.
Laugh if it helps.
See the outcome as being so.. Visualize how you wish to feel afterward and know it be true.
Do not underestimate the power of thought.
That is your magic. Use it.

Heat Ingredients & Charge your Potion

Now is the time to stir your pot.
Always stir clockwise.

It is heating up and not quite to a boil.

Repeat your prepared incantation.

Something like,
"Herbs of Earth, Power of Water, 
Steam of Air, Flame of Fire,
Hear my needs, beckon my call,
Bring peace and harmony,
To One and All."

Repeat 3 times while stirring.

Repeat 9 times, if you so wish, for 3x the strength.

Or just follow your intuition and repeat your incantation as many times as you feel the need, until you feel your potion is ready.

Steep & Give Thanks

Not quite to a boil yet, cover your pot and let it come to a boil.
Keeping it covered will ensure the natural oils do not escape your potion through evaporation.

Watch closely so that it does not boil over.

Once it is to a boil, remove from burner and let steep with cover on for 10 minutes.

To give thanks, simply thank the spirits, guardians, and elements for their presence and blessings. Nothing fancy, just thank them out loud or in your head.

I usually take a moment to pray, meditate and pay reverence.
Let your intuition be the guide.

Bottle, Clean up & Grounding

Bottle your potion and clean up your area, and then take down your circle. 

You may add a few drops of vodka to each bottle and shake it into the mixture as a preservative if you wish. I usually only make potions that will be used immediately, so this is not usually something I have to do.
As you bottle your potion, recite:
"As I will it, so mote it be."

Store in a dark space at room temperature.

Clean your area, clean your tools, consecrate them if you would like (I always do so they are fresh and ready for use), and put them away. 

Take down your circle that you cast by visualizing a door opening in your circle, and then the light slowly dissipating back into the Earth, or atmosphere.
(again, that is for a different post!)

Not all Witches find Grounding to be necessary, but when I build up my cone of power, I feel a come-down is necessary. 

Simply touch some soil and smell it. Feel it in your hands, fingers or between your toes. Eat something crunchy and natural; carrots are great. And give a big sigh of relaxation as you know what you have accomplished.

Give or Drink

Give the potion to the intended person to drink, when the time is right. Remember, always, ALWAYS ask for permission before performing magick for someone. Usually, the recipient comes to me for help.

Or, drink the potion yourself when the time is right.

Drink the potion immediately if you wish, or wait until you visit your altar next, or for a particular ritual.

I like to wait until really early in the morning, while the world is still quiet, my children are sleeping, and the moment is completely mine. Usually, I do a mini-rite that involves tarot, prayer, meditation and then a journal entry after.

There is no wrong way to take your potion. Only you know the best "time". Let your inner-voice and gut feeling guide you.


I would always encourage you to archive your experiences, to write down your spells and recipes, and how you felt during and afterward.

Your future self will thank you for it.

~*~With Endless Love & Light~*~

Blessed Be.

MoonsWay )O(